Sunday, October 06, 2013

The Road to Recovery

I suppose it's a circle of life thing, but lately I've been saddened to realize that, generally, my goals – from a recovery perspective – have been simply to get back where I started. Early on, it was certainly easiest to set the bar based on the most obvious achievements:

  • walk
  • get home from the hospital
  • get back to work
  • drive
So in many ways it's a positive development that I realized recently how the road to recovery doesn't have to be a loop. Life certainly isn't a straight line either (I know I've taken some detours), and I'm starting to identify encouraging diversions that may not take me as the crow flies but which will make the trek more enjoyable.

I've never been what one would consider an outdoorsy person, though I did climb up a hill and come down a married man. I also wandered lonely the same countryside as Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, and Shelley. And while as a kid I wasn't much of a cyclist (pretty much throwing in the towel  when I hit the curb, landed on my chin, and had to sport a scab goatee for a few weeks in 7th grade), I recently had the opportunity at my brain injury support group to try out a recumbent tricycle, which proved a liberating and inspiring experience. It felt wonderful to be outside and exercising in a way that wasn't a struggle and didn't feel at all treacherous.

So I took to the web and found a local dealer who had a floor model I could rent for a week while considering a purchase. My trusty friend and bike aficionado, Marc, helped me pick it up this weekend; and, so far, I've had the unheard-of pleasure of taking rides down the road with Wyatt on his bike and me on my trike. It's given me a much better use for my old craniotomy helmet:

Of course, I'm already getting ahead of myself and looking into Adventure cycling trips. Maybe I'll even organize a charity ride as part of my book tour (still ahead of myself but at least a vision of progress, not circuitousness).

The metaphor's panning out well for the cards I had made for my upcoming speaking engagement at a brain injury conference:

1 comment :

  1. When is the brain injury conference? I'm glad they're smart enough to get you to come speak! I also like that you're "getting ahead of yourself" I think that smacks of optimism. :)

