Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just a post script:
I upset people I love very much with the way I described Ken earlier. I am sorry if I offended anyone, or made them think I wasn't respecting K's struggles and victories. In my mind I was just trying to let visitors know what to expect. He looks like he's been through a battle. The worst that he will ever have to endure (please please please). And I wanted to make it light, wanted them to know this part is only going to get better too. I hope that I have made it abundantly clear how much he is too me. More than I can say, because it is so ethereal it is without words. He forms the "nebula of my heart" (yes I am stealing that from him). I can't imagine life without him. And, frankly, even if he looked like full on Frankenstein for the rest of our lives together he couldn't get rid of me. So, anyway, I just wanted that flying out there into the world, too.


  1. In re: to Ken's BLOG: "At pre-surgery testing. Anesthesiologist has Chinese character for Chaos on wall- "Where great dreams begin."

    See following LINK:

    Read it. What can we do to make all the miracles--from chaos--happen?


  2. Oh, and this (in reference to chaos)....

    Friedrick Nietzche: “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”


  3. Thanks, Jamie, once again, for your "full on" honesty and for your ability to keep it light at the same time. It's a tricky line to walk and I'm sorry that anyone made you feel like you blundered. It IS abundantly clear that Ken is your world, and that he, along with the boys, mean everything to you. I don't think anyone could doubt it after all you've shared with us.
    xo Amy K.

  4. A part of this passage appeared in The Best Loved Poems of the American People (1936) with the title "Friendship":

    Oh, the comfort —
    the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person —
    having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
    but pouring them all right out,
    just as they are,
    chaff and grain together;
    certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
    keep what is worth keeping,
    and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

    From the poet, D. Craik
